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Employment Status – Uber Case Must Go to Court of Appeal

After losing its case in the Employment Appeal Tribunal, which found that Uber drivers are workers and thus have the right to be paid the National Minimum Wage or the National Living Wage and to receive holiday pay (Uber B.V. and Others v Aslam and Others), Uber disputed the finding and continues to insist that its drivers are self-employed and value the fact that they can choose if, when and where to drive.

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Extended Criminal Record Certificates – A Balance Must Be Struck

Those who work with children or vulnerable adults are required to have extended criminal record certificates (ECRCs) so that prospective employers can judge whether they are fit to perform such sensitive roles. However, as one Court of Appeal case showed, a careful balance has to be struck between disclosure of information and the serious blight that might cause to an individual’s career.

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The Firm’s Annual Christmas Party

The annual Christmas party gives employers the opportunity to thank members of staff for their contribution over the past year and is a chance for everyone to relax and enjoy the holiday season. However, it is easy to forget that an employer owes its employees certain obligations, even outside work, when the event has been organised by the employer, and that employees’ conduct during it should comply with normal standards and should not breach workplace equal treatment and anti-harassment policies.

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